A Prairie du Chien man was arrested and taken to jail after a chase through town late Saturday afternoon.
The Prairie du Chien Police Department says they were notified by callers that a vehicle had struck a yield sign located at the Iowa Street round-a-bout. While responding to Iowa Street, additional callers reported another hit and run on Fremont Street with the suspect vehicle description matching the first calls.
Officers located the front bumper of the suspect vehicle on Fremont Street and a short time later observed it traveling north on Fremont Street traveling in oncoming lanes of travel. Officers attempted to conduct a traffic stop but the driver refused to stop. He made several abrupt turns and accelerated his speed.
Officers attempted a rolling roadblock at the intersection of Webster Street and Marquette Road and the vehicle struck two Prairie du Chien Police vehicles and continued to South Beaumont Road. The suspect eventually exited the vehicle on the 300 block of South Beaumont and attempted to enter his home. Officers detained him and utilized an electronic control device to gain compliance. The man was identified as 24 year old Dylan Yeomans.
Yeomans was charged with Operating a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence of Intoxicants (3rd Offense), Resisting & Obstructing an Officer, Fleeing from an Officer, Battery to a Police Officer & Recklessly Endangering Safety.