Over the past several months, the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office has been investigating Joshua Moeck (33) of Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, for illegally trafficking narcotics and possession of child pornography.
On Monday, June 5th, 2023, members of the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office and Prairie du Chien Police Department executed a search warrant at Joshua Moeck’s room located within Motel 6 at 533 North Marquette Road, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin.
Moeck was taken into custody and a search of his motel room was conducted. As a result of the search, numerous items of evidentiary value were seized, methamphetamine, methamphetamine smoking devices, illicit steroids, items indictive of selling methamphetamine and steroids, and numerous electronic devices.
Moeck was transported to the Crawford County Jail on charges of 54 counts of possession of child pornography, conspiracy to deliver methamphetamine, possession of methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of THC, and felony bail-jumping stemming from prior drug related charges. Also, a hold was placed on him for violating his probation.
During the course of this investigation, several other individuals were identified as being involved in the illegal use and / or sale of narcotics and as this investigation continues, others could potentially be facing charges. This case remains under investigation.
The Crawford County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by the Prairie du Chien Police Department, Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), United States Attorney’s Office of the Western District of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Statewide Intelligence Center, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Clayton County Sheriff’s Office, and the Wisconsin Department of Corrections.