The river today is at 15.6 feet and continuing to recede.
- FERIOLE ISLAND – At the current stage, traffic traveling onto the island can access The Depot via Water Street. All other island roads will remain closed until further notice.
SANDBAG DISPOSAL – For those in need of disposing sandbags there is an area behind the radio station for you to dump sand. Please cut the bags and empty the sand and dispose of the bags in the garbage tote at the location. This will be set up this afternoon and will have it available until Monday, July 22.
FLOOD GATE – The flood gate on Wells Street is back open.
CLEAN-UP – If you have debris from the flood, place items along the curb and separated. The city crews will pick up the debris starting Monday, July 22. This is only for residents in the city that had flood waters near their home. Clean up kits for homes are available for check-out at City Hall. For general assistance including financial assistance please call the Red Cross at 1-800-733-2767.
RIVER TRAFFIC – Recreational Traffic is now open in Pools 9 and 10.
EVENTS – The Farmers Market and Music in the Park will be held at Lochner Park on July 18th. The Farmers market will resume at Lawler Park on Thursday, July 25. The Music in the Park on July 25 will take place in the Prairie Dog Blues Fest grounds and then resume the following week at Lawler Park. Villa Louis Historical Site will resume regular hours on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. The annual Prairie Dog Blues Fest will take place on St. Feriole Island as planned.
- North Main Street is closed from Washington Street to Frederick Street
- The Washington Street Bridge
- A portion of 2nd Street and the Marina Parking Lot road.
All street closures are subject to change depending on water levels and/or additional rain.
For more information on street closures and other flood-related news, please refer to the City of Prairie du Chien website – Prairie du Chien, WI (cityofpdc.com) or Facebook pages from the City of Prairie du Chien and Crawford County Emergency Management.