Young people of the Prairie du Chien area who are interested in hunting and recreational shooting are invited to enroll in a Wisconsin DNR Hunter Education Course offered at the Blackhawk Ave Fire Station in Prairie du Chien.
The class will begin at 8:30 a.m. August 20, 2022 and continue on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, August 22, 23 and 25 from 6:30-9 p.m.
Registration for the 20 student class will be conducted by placing a reservation by phone with Dennis Kirschbaum at 608-326-2718. A waiting list will be established for additional classes if needed. With a registration students will be provided with a workbook. All workbook homework must be completed before the first day of class.
Volunteer Department of Natural Resources certified Hunter Education instructors will conduct the course. Students who enroll must be twelve years old by January 1, 2023. Although the course is designed primarily for young people there is no maximum age. If you have not taken a hunter education class this may be a good time.
In Wisconsin all persons born after January 1, 1973 must graduate from a hunter education course before they can purchase a hunting license. Most other states and Canadian provinces have similar requirements.
Students should go to GoWild.wi.gov where they can set up an account and get a DNR number. There will be no GoWild registration for the class. There will be no registration on the first day of class. Course fee is $10. Anyone with questions should contact Dennis Kirschbaum at 326-2718.
Upon completion of the course students will receive an embroidered shoulder patch and certificate. In addition, graduates will be entitled to hunt and use firearms without parent or guardian present at age 14.
Classes will cover gun handling, firearm safety at home and in the field, care of firearms, marksmanship, hunter ethics, and responsibilities of hunters and shooters.
The course is sponsored by the Prairie Rod and Gun Club.