By Doug Wagen
Nearby houses have been removed but the renovation work planned for the Lancaster Municipal Airport for this year won’t happen until next year. Lancaster Public Works Director John Hauth said the city has been notified by the Bureau of Aeronautics that due to price increases for materials the project has been delayed until 2023 to maximize the entitlement money the city is receiving. The project calls for site grading for a new a new taxiway and construction of a new hangar building that will have three individual hangars. According to Hauth, the current estimated cost is just over $1.4-million. The State and Federal government is expected to cover 95-percent of the project cost with the city covering the remaining 5-percent. The Lancaster Public Works Department has started to remove the foundations from the homes that were recently razed and or sold and removed by the buyer.The Lancaster Municipal Airport is located five-miles south of the city along Highway-61.