Many people wish to arrange their affairs to live well in their later years and ensure their end-of-life plans follow their wishes. Still, it is something that many people find challenging. Planning AHEAD is a new class from UW-Madison Division of Extension, created to address most aspects of end-of-life planning. This FREE class is for anyone 18 years and over to take part in!
During the classes, trained Educators will guide participants through examining health care wishes, financial responsibilities, legal requirements and documentation, distribution of personal property, end-of-life decisions, dealing with grief, and the emotional ramifications of all of the above. The program is designed both for those who want to prepare for their own passing, to make things easier for family members, and for those who have, or are in the process of, losing a loved one and are dealing with the transition. This course features an online planning workbook to help organize the tasks and documents associated with end-of-life decisions.
By working through these sessions, participants find that financial, healthcare, and other decisions don’t feel so overwhelming. As your Crawford County Human Development & Relationships Educator, I invite you to join this FREE Planning AHEAD course.
There are two options to attend this FREE course: In Person or Online:
In-Person – The in-person, class will be held at the Crawford County Administration Building, Room 236, Prairie du Chien, WI, Fridays, from 9:30 am to 11:00 am starting September 16th through October 28th. This course will be taught and facilitated by Amanda Nagel-Griswold, Crawford County Human Development & Relationships Educator, and Melissa Goodman, ADRC of Eagle Country, Information & Assistance Specialist. Register by calling now – Crawford County ADRC at 608-326-0235.
On-Line – If an in-person call does not fit your needs the online classes will be held Tuesdays from 9:00 am to 10:30 am, starting September 13 through October 25 of 2022. You will join this class from home virtually, through Zoom online, which will include time to check in on how to use this technology during the first class. This course will be facilitated by UW-Madison, Division of Extension Educators from Crawford, Grant, Iowa, Kenosha, Racine, Richland, and Walworth Counties. Registration is now available here, http://go.wisc.edu/SoAHEAD
Any questions or for more information about Planning AHEAD, please contact Amanda Griswold by sending questions to amanda.griswold@wisc.edu or by calling Crawford County Extension Office at 608-326-0223. Check out this and other Extension programming at crawford.extension.wisc.edu.