The Prairie du Chien Common Council met Tuesday night and approved changing the Room Tax Ordinance which stated that the city receives 27 percent of the tax and the Tourism Council receives 73 percent of the tax. The new ordinance reads that the city will receive 30 percent and the Tourism Council will get 70 percent. City Administrator Chad Abram said the change was made to offset higher expenses for the city during special events such as Rendezvous Days, The Blues Festival, and Oktoberfest. He also said that 30 percent is the highest amount the city is allowed to retain.
The Council approved hiring Zimmer Design for the project and construction administration of the Prairie du Chien Chamber of Commerce addition.
Also, the Army would like to donate the tank at the Veterans Memorial site to the city, and the Council agreed to accept the donation. The tank has been at the site for many years, but has always been owned by the Army.