New tools help parents answer their kids’ tough questions about underage drinking.
April is Alcohol Awareness Month and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services’ Small Talks campaign provides detailed tips and helpful tools on how adults can talk to their kids during this awareness month or any time.
This campaign to prevent underage drinking encourages adults to have short, casual conversations with kids frequently, starting at age 8, on the dangers of drinking alcohol before the age of 21.
A lot of parents could use that little bit of extra help with some of their kids’ toughest questions. When explaining to kids that drinking can be harmful, it’s natural for them to ask why adults sometime drink alcohol. And as a parent, it can be tricky to know how to respond. Small Talks provides parents with answers to the hard questions they may receive.
In addition to providing common questions and answers, the new materials provide guidance on how to teach kids to say “no” to alcohol in peer-pressure situations.
Visit the Small Talks campaign website – SmallTalksWI.org – for underage drinking talk facts, tips, and more.