One vehicle crash closes highway
On Monday October 2, 2023 at approximately 10:27 a.m., the Grant County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a crash on USH 151 just north of
Hill Climb Road with total blockage of the northbound lanes.
Thomas B. Nugent (63) of Dubuque was traveling north in his 2014 ½ ton Chevrolet Silverado pulling a 34 foot 2022 Forest River RV. The RV
started began to fish tail and Nugent lost control. The pickup and RV came to rest in the middle of 151 with the RV on its side blocking both
northbound lanes. The northbound lanes of USH 151 were closed for 2 ½ hours while the RV was up righted and removed from the scene.
Nugent was not injured in the crash. Assisting at the scene and traffic control were the Dickeyville Fire Department, Dickeyville EMS,
Dickeyville Police, Cuba City Police Department, Cuba City Fire Department, Jamestown First Responders, Wisconsin State Patrol and Guy’s
Truck and Tractor of Kieler. Trailer braking was a factor in the crash.
One vehicle crash results in OWI arrest
On October 2, 2023 at approximately 8:02 pm, the Grant County Sheriff’s Office received a report of a one vehicle crash on Hwy 133 at Cty V
in Glen Haven Township. It was reported a truck was stuck on the guard rail at the “T” intersection blocking one lane of travel.
Grant County Deputies, Glen Haven Fire, Glen Haven First Responders and West Grant EMS responded to the scene. Upon the deputy’s
arrival he discovered the driver was outside of his truck and was refusing EMS. The driver was 32 year old Levi Froke of Prairie Du Chien.
Levi was westbound on Cty V when ran the stop sign, lost control of his 2017 Toyota Tacoma and struck the guard rail. After a brief
investigation Levi was arrested for OWI 1st. Levi was transported to Grant Regional Health Center via EMS. Levi was later released from the
hospital and booked into the Grant County Jail. Levi was cited for fail to stop at stop sign, fail to maintain control of vehicle, and OWI 1st.
Grant County was assisted on scene by West Grant EMS, Glen Haven Fire and Firest Responders, and B&M towing of Bloomington. This
case is still under investigation.