On August 26, 2023 at 5:05 PM the Grant County Sheriff’s Office received a report of a single UTV crash on Oak Road, south of Elm Road in
Paris Township. Jarvis Eastlick, 47 years old, of rural Lancaster, was traveling north on Oak Road in a 2020 Polaris General 1000 UTV when
negotiating a curve in the roadway he lost control. Eastlick’s UTV went into the southbound lane, nearly striking a road sign on the west side of
the road, before over correcting, entering back into the northbound lane. Eastlick’s UTV continued across the lane, entering the ditch on the
east side of the road where it overturned several times. Eastlick was ejected from the UTV. The UTV came to a rest in a pasture on the east
side of the roadway. The UTV pinned Eastlick underneath it. Emergency crews arrived on scene, removed the UTV from Eastlick, and he was
pronounced deceased at the scene.The Grant County Sheriff’s Office was assisted at the scene by Dickeyville Fire Department, Dickeyville EMS, Wisconsin DNR, and Bennett’s Automotive Services and Towing. The Wisconsin DNR is investigating the crash.